A Knock at the Door
Book & DVD
This beautiful hardcover collector's book with DVD is based on Duirwaigh's first inspirational mini-film of the same title, which caused an unexpected international sensation. The book contains larger images of the art used in the film with glorious, lush detail. The stunning works of art from a wide range of leading contemporary fantasy artists are combined with inspiring text that leads the reader back to the magical place inside themselves. A Knock at the Door takes us to the beginning and end of every journey; a place of wonder and innocence, but above all a place of remembering - to the most magical secret place of all - the place of believing. A Knock at the Door makes a wonderful gift for friends and loved ones in need of a message of encouragement and inspiration.

"It is always wonderful to come across something that spreads a little joy and magic, and A Knock at the Door does just that. Children and adults alike will find it uplifting and inspiring."
Brian and Wendy Froud, creators of Faeries, Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book and Goblins!
"A Knock at the Door is a summons to joy, a reminder of our poetic birthright, a message from a place both wildly wondrous and utterly familiar. Angi Sullins and her team of artists and musicians have tapped a stream of perennial wisdom into which the whole world seems to be dipping their cup."
Mirabai Starr, author of 'The Interior Castle' and 'Dark Night of the Soul'
"Knock at the door of this book! Over and over for inspiration and reattachment to the magical, mystical elements of life. And once you have remembered this otherly world, use the images and questions as writing prompts or openers into storytelling. It works like a charm."
Christina Baldwin, author of 'Life's Companion' and 'Storycatcher'
"Wow!" ..."Must Have!"..."Gorgeous"..."Uplifting and beautiful!"..."Magical and Touching"..."A Doorway to Inspiration!" Amazon.com reviews
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