Izzabella Fizzywig
We decided, for many reasons, not to have a blog on Duirwaigh. Yet as we were rebuilding this site, our chihuahua Izzy (Isabella Fizzywigg Christmas Figgy Pudding) became ill. She's the last of the Duirwaigh four-footers, and her passing will mark the end of an era. We simply could NOT be silent about this. So we're sharing her remaining days, and recording all the glorious details of her life with you.
This website was not designed to have an integrated blog, so comments and other nifty features aren't here. And the layout, well... it's just a bit shifty due to the limitations of the RSS feed, but it will work.
We love to hear from you and in order to leave comments you are welcome to visit the original blog page.
She's defied the odds and already lived past the time allotted to her by the medical industry. Izzy is a Duirwaigh. She encourages us every day to open the door. When inspiration... when hope... when love comes knocking... open the door.
Chihuahua Puppy Love - Spaghetti Style
Isabella, my chihuahua, only has a short time to live, so we're making beautiful memories and starring in our own Last Picture Show.
Follow her on Izzy's Blog. We wish you, and your four footed friends, enchanted days, beautiful nights, and memories that never fade.